Bespoke Solutions
Whilst Kbins has a huge range of bin and box sizes, we recognise there may be occasions where they may not quite fit the shelfing, racking, process or facility in mind.
To facilitate this, we are proud to offer a bespoke and speciality solutions service to customers.
Our tried and tested designs are adapted specifically for your requirements or indeed, a new product designed to suit specific storage facilities.
Our team of designers has years of experience in designing solutions from both corrugated and polypropylene and understand how best to utilise both materials for the best results.
As part of this service we offer:
- A full consultation service to ascertain exact requirements
- A CAD design service using the latest software
- A full sample service for sign off prior to full product run
- An option to have stock and serve depending on volume and location
To discuss how our team can help you, or to commence the bespoke solution service, simply call us on 0113 250 9777 or email